Saturday, November 24, 2012

Temple Mount

The day is starting out with rain. We are to be on the bus and ready to go by 710 today. This is going to be another packed day, but we will be spending the day in Jerusalem.

Our bus driver, Muneer, took over as our tour guide yesterday. He is an Arabic Christian from Nazareth; a very wonderful person!

We entered Jerusalem through the Dung Gate and headed toward the checkpoint in order to go up on the Temple Mount. You must dress modestly, not carry a Bible or have any alcohol or you will have your things confiscated or be told to cover up! We also had to pass through a metal detector. We were not allowed to enter the Dome of the Rock. Because of the Jordanian occupation, the Jews were not allowed on the Temple Mount until the recapture of Jerusalem after the 6 Day War in 1967. All of the excavation down to the Herodian street level took place after the war.

checkpoint to enter the Temple Mount

When the Israelis took possession of Jerusalem in 1967 they did pass a law that the authority would be the same as it 'twas prior to 1967 (Muslim Religious Authority). The Israelis do provide security on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount was not opened for people to walk around on until 2006.

The Temple Mount covers an area of about 36 1/2 acres. The Jordanians deny that there was ever a temple here and yet they built the Dome of the Rock over where they believed the temple to be! Go figure! The size of the Temple Mount has never changed. It has just been built layer upon layer. The southern steps were where the Jewish people during Herod's time entered the city.

Dome of the Rock



The original temple during Solomon's reign was built on Mt. Moriah; the sight where Abraham was taking Issac to be sacrificed and also the sight where Jacob saw the angels ascending and descending (Jacob's ladder). All of the major prophets would have been here.

The second temple was built only 70-80 years after the destruction of the first one and lasted for 500 years before it was destroyed.

T he Dome of the Rock of the Rock was completed around 692-93ad and the Al Aksa Mosque around 700. The Muslims are required to pray in public only one day a week on Friday. We heard the call to prayer as it was broadcast over the city. In the 1100's the mosque was turned into a church. Evidently the Muslims are currently building a Mosque on or in the area of Solomon's Stables which is against the law. The situation around here is very "delicate" as you might guess.

The Dome of the Rock is an 8-sided structure with an interlocking pattern of circles and octagons. It represented nature like an opening flower using Mathematical proportions as it expands beyond the size of the dome without having a "graven image". King Hussien replaced the covering of the dome with gold. When the Dome of the Rock was built it looked similar to some of the Christian churches because they used Christian artisans.

Our guide said there is a 4H on the Temple Mount; Hezekiah, Hasmoneans, Herod, and Hadrian. Hadrian had a temple to Jupiter on the mount where the temple was. (135 ce) He also outlawed circumcision. He did all this only 60 years after the destruction of the temple.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Dome of the Rock are the flagships of two different ideologies. They face each other and are diametrically opposed in world views!

We also saw the pool of Bethesda where Jesus healed the man who sat by the pool waiting to get in when the water was disturbed by an angel so he could be healed. These pools were possibly used as a cistern, palace to wash the animals prior to being sacrificed, or ritual baths. the water was purified with alcohol.

The Lion's Gate is the gate where the Israelis entered the city during the 1967 war. They carried no arms so the city would not be damaged, but very heavy fighting took place.

We entered the Dung Gate again, but this time we went to the Archelogical Park. Inside we were able to see a timeline of the area. The Jewish people are the only people in history to have been exiled and yet came back to reclaim their land. An awe inspiring thought for today and all the days we have been in Jerusalem is that anything that was here during the time of Herod was seen, walked on, used by Jesus and his disciples. We sat on the original Southern stairs which is probably the location of Pentecost. It is the only place where there was enough water to baptize 3,000 people. They probably used the ritual baths that were very numerous by the Temple Mount. The steps were built unevenly probably to prevent people from running up the stairs.

The Jews during Herod's time were under the constant iron umbrella of Rome!

We also visited the Western Wall which is the holiest place in the world for the Jews. The wall is about 5 football fields long. In the tunnel which, runs along the wall, you can see a "rock" that was carved and put on place during Herod's time. it weighs about 500-550 tons. No one is sure how it was put into place fitting perfectly against the carved stones on either side. Amazing! It was certainly a case of Herod "showing his stuff"!

We were blessed with a beautiful day. After the morning rains we had sunshine!


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